“To be, or not to be,”
William Shakespeare – 1603
“To mask, or not to mask,”
You and I – Today
Those sure are the questions.
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and masks of this outrageous virus.
Conflicting views are everywhere. Different experts espousing different theories supporting different assessments and each one sounding convincing and believable. Which magic curtain is the true all-knowing wizard behind? Auntie Em! I just want to go home! No, no, no.. not home…I’ve been there too long. Anywhere but home!
It’s no longer a matter of wearing one’s heart on one’s sleeve, it’s now a matter of wearing one’s political affiliation on one’s face. It’s never easy to march to a different drummer. There’s so much social/peer pressure everywhere one turns. Whether a child or adult, peer pressure’s out there beckoning each of us to follow a sheep herd mentality. It’s not easy being the lone ranger. For example, if the people in your circle aren’t wearing masks, how silly it would be for you to wear one. After all, you’re wearing it to protect them. They’re not wearing one to protect you. So, you wearing a mask is in essence telling those who are unmasked to be extra careful around you because there’s obviously something wrong with you. You, healthy, smart, capable you! Beware!
And if it’s Hi-Ho Silver Away with your mask yet everyone around you is wearing a mask, you’re in essence telling others you’re strong and healthy as can be – like an ox! Silly people, don’t worry – be happy! What’s with the masks? Life’s a grand adventure! Well, you may not have any worries, but you can be pretty much guaranteed those wearing masks around you are worrying. And they’re worrying about you. You, healthy, smart, capable you!
Life is good! It’s great! It’s a blessing beyond belief! Our health care workers know this. They demonstrate on a daily basis their support of life and often guide us into experiencing healthier ones. And they, each one of them, wants a life too! They know full well life is good, it’s great, and it’s a bloody miracle.
This corona crisis is demonstrating ever so clearly how important leadership is, whether at home, in the hospitals and care centers, in schools, or in governments. And, if you’re a parent who’s been leading your children through these past trying months of mandatory home-schooling, you may be feeling additional parental anxiety as you ponder what’s next for your kids. Oh yes – Summer! Summer Camps! Baseball! Concerts! Barbeques! Uh, Maybe?
Did you expect an answer? I don’t have one. But, I sure do have a meditative moment. That’s something you can certainly count on…
As you read this, take a moment to imagine the trials and tribulations of these past few months. Take a few breaths and really think about what you’ve learned.
Close your eyes and reflect on these experiences knowing each of these experiences has been shaping you into the miracle of life you are today.
You, healthy, smart, capable you!
Open your eyes.
Go forward into a life well-lived.