
“An honest man is always a child.”


When was the last time you did something for the first time?

Life can get so busy – we often overlook firsts.  It’s so much fun to watch as a child takes his or her first steps in life.  Children have a way of reminding us of the here and now.  They prompt us to cherish small moments, the gift of every tender breath.

Can you remember how exciting it was to see for the first time a big fat bumblebee exploring a flower or the first feeling of being wrapped in a soft blanket or jumping for joy into a pile of fallen leaves?  As we get older we lose sight of these personal childhood experiences as if we never had them.  We’ve grown up.  And in that process of maturing we start to develop an attitude of ‘been there – done that’ and forget to see, to look, to listen.   Children come along into our adult lives and remind us what fun really is.  We laugh at their inquisitive natures.  Life is so new through their eyes, so refreshing to see.

What if you were able to approach each day as a jubilant child – full of exuberance, trust and joyful expectation?  That’s quite a challenge!  For after all, the longer one lives the more heartaches, betrayals,  disappointments pile up.  But what if you were able to turn these piles of obstacles into heaps of opportunities?  Not as a witty cliché but as real life choices.  Obstacles to Opportunities.  What if you were able to see clearly again and find the joy of a first experience?

So, within the last few hours what’s been a first for you?   You may be thinking, “Ha, today’s been same ol’, same ol’ – Boring.”  But it’s actually never ever that way.  The cells in each of our bodies are constantly transforming.  In fact, you’re a different person now from when you started reading this very sentence.  Some cells in your body have moved around and totally changed – poof!.  The air around you and in you has changed from your breath taken and given.  The clouds in the sky have shifted.   The earth has moved under my feet and yours.

The one stable thing in each of our lives is change.

This moment is definitely a first.  Let’s together make the most of it.



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Dr. Joan A. Budilovsky


Joan is also a long-standing Chicago-Area Newspaper Columnist (Yo Joan!).  Her columns are on meditation, yoga and stress reduction – subjects she has studied, taught and practiced for decades.  A former professional musician, she continues to carry music in her heart and harps.  Her Doctorate is in Education from the University of Illinois at Chicago. 

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