“What you reveal you heal.”
Chris Martin
What to do when the world seems to be goin’ batty? Our increased awareness of the troubles of the world can create a sense of helplessness. The problems are so massive. What can you, as one person, do to help? Where do you start? Combine this sense of helplessness with a sense of fear that the violence of the world could easily spread to home base. We are all becoming more and more interconnected on this crazy planet called home.
I’ve got some ideas on how to handle these significant problems and would welcome hearing your ideas too.
- Have An Emotional Catharsis
Mental illness is a big subject these days and certainly not one to be taken lightly. For those of us not yet ready to get into straight-jackets, I’ve got a suggestion that Gestalt Therapists have been using for decades – SCREAM! Go into a large open field somewhere far away from mankind and yell to the skies. Studies have shown that screaming releases endorphins for stress relief. Try not to direct your overactive vocal cords at a person or pet. If this happens, apologize quickly. You’re better than that. And certainly that living being you’re screaming at is too. So instead head out alone to that field of dreams and go for the gold!
- Focus on Breath
Try Box Breathing:
4 count exhale.
4 count hold breath.
4 count inhale.
4 count hold breath.
Consciously relax your facial muscles throughout, particularly when holding the breath.
Box Breathing comes out of the Vedic literature of India around 1500 BCE. It was noted then and now as an effective way to reduce anxiety and focus the mind. In fact, Navy Seals Training calls this “Tactical Breathing.” It’s taught as a way to calm and focus in combat.
- Get Involved in Social Service
Ask your church how you can help better the problems in your neighborhood or in the world that concern you. If they don’t have something that fills this need, start a group. You’re not alone in your desire to help. Or find an organization that is already doing what you want to do. Google can be an incredible way to get information on service organizations in your area and various ways to get involved. If you don’t have transportation, there are even ways to get involved from your very own living room.
- Artistic Expression
Paint, Draw, Sing, Write, Dance, Crafts, Yoga, TaiChi. Find ways to express yourself that are safe and non-competitive so as to allow your inner self to fully shine. Express yourself!
- Escape to the Inner Himalayas.
Meditate. This is a way to clear the mind so ideas can become sharper and more creative. Simply find a quiet corner somewhere to sit comfortably and focus on your breath. When competing thoughts or disturbances enter your mind let these thoughts, these disturbances exhale through your breath. Watch the simple movement of your precious breath. If chaos rules all around you, just a few simple breaths of complete focus can help you in determining the best way to move forward.
And we all want to move forward.