

“I see music as fluid architecture.” 

Joni Mithcell

It’s the song you can’t get out of your head. Humming it here and there as it follows you around throughout the day. Is it the drum beat? The bass notes? The lyrics? The enthusiasm? The marketing genius? Whatever it is, there it is again! Where did it come from?

Some melodies we hold onto longer than others.

One such song happened when I took my first yoga class in college. I was 18.  My teacher wasn’t much older. She was petite with long straight brown hair. Relaxed, comfortable, confident in her body; I was nervous, self-conscious, tall in mine.

I wanted to be like her.

Try as I might I never looked like her, but some of the melodies she shared have traveled with me to this very day. The easy going kindness in her voice. The spark and enthusiasm for her subject.

I never dreamt I’d be teaching that same subject some 15 years later. But a deeper part of me must have known because the music had started playing…

I casually began doing yoga poses at home. I turned to reading yoga books in my spare time. I slowly became more and more interested in this subject I knew nothing about prior to that special teacher’s class.

Whatever age you may be, can you think of a song you’re still singing from years ago? What music are you carrying along with you this very moment?

Name that tune.

Some music is poetically lyrical even when the chords are dissonant. Some music is fast, some slow, some high, some low, and some downright magical. What tunes inspired you before money or ego took center stage? There’re so many musical aspects within each of our complicated yet magnificent lives.

As we enter into this new holiday season, what songs are playing within you?  Are they sharp? Are they flat? Are they jarring? Are they gentle?

As each of us continues to compose the intricate music of our lives – may the songs we create be rich in texture, nuance, dynamics, and feeling.

Sincerely wishing you a deeply harmonious holiday season,


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Dr. Joan A. Budilovsky


Joan is also a long-standing Chicago-Area Newspaper Columnist (Yo Joan!).  Her columns are on meditation, yoga and stress reduction – subjects she has studied, taught and practiced for decades.  A former professional musician, she continues to carry music in her heart and harps.  Her Doctorate is in Education from the University of Illinois at Chicago. 

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