
Baby Tree

“There’s nothing you can know that isn’t known.”

–  John Lennon

We move along in life – getting up, going to work, eating, sleeping, getting mad at particular events, laughing over other events – never realizing how programmed this circle of life actually is.  Transcending the deep hidden patterns in one’s life (karma) requires tremendous efforts in self-discipline, concentration, self-study, self-awareness.

In order to soften karma, or change ineffective patterns in one’s life, one first has to become aware of the patterns.  But pulls and tugs that bring us to crossroads in life run deep and can be quite hard to understand.  Some dismiss life outcomes as being “good luck” or “bad luck”  and some of us say there are “no coincidences.”

Let’s compare karma to something solid we can see clearly – a tree!    A large oak tree starts with a tiny acorn.   The acorn gets buried under the ground.  There are many more acorns that never make it underground and never realize their full potential.    For that special acorn that gets buried,  specific hidden underground processes start churning and turning that tiny acorn into a tree.  Depending on its nourishment, the acorn may thrive into a tree or whimper in the soil never reaching the sunlight.

If we each could look at our individual life in the way a botanist looks at the development of an acorn, we may get to know the processes better in what churns and turns our nutty little lives into the incredible individuals we become.  Very few people understand the forces of their deep seated patterns.

Mantras – the repetition of sound, Hatha Yoga Asanas – the study of physical movement,   Scriptures – the study of historical sacred texts, Astrology – the study of planetary aspects, Meditation – the study and stilling of movements of consciousness.  These are some techniques to soften and release karma.  Karma isn’t easy to soften.  It takes tremendous effort to change the pull of karmic patterns.

Transitions are not easy either.  Whether transitions are from an acorn to a tree, an infant to an adult, one city to another, or one lifetime to the next.  Perhaps it just “feels right “ to live in Seattle for instance.  Why is there any need to know any more than this?  But when you’re aware of the patterns in your life you’re at a different level of understanding.  Once you’ve seen the light you can’t go back, no matter how much you may pretend to be in the dark.

It’s easier to simply pull the covers up and stay cozy in bed.  Eventually, and inevitably, the time comes to wake up.

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Dr. Joan A. Budilovsky


Joan is also a long-standing Chicago-Area Newspaper Columnist (Yo Joan!).  Her columns are on meditation, yoga and stress reduction – subjects she has studied, taught and practiced for decades.  A former professional musician, she continues to carry music in her heart and harps.  Her Doctorate is in Education from the University of Illinois at Chicago. 

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