
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better
-Albert Einstein

Even though school may be starting summer hasn’t ended yet. In fact, it’s hanging around until September 20th. So let’s get outside and enjoy the summer sun while we can. We’re so lucky after all to live in the Midwest where we can experience all the fab 4 seasons. How about we experience summer today with a walk in the park.

For many of us a stroll into nature gives us some time to sort out problems and put pressing life concerns into perspective. This type of stroll can certainly have its benefits. However, the type of stroll I’ll be referring to today is a meditative one. Let’s go!

As you walk bring your attention to your breath. Simple movements. The air smelling and feeling fresh amidst the beauty of nature. Slow your breath down.

Start to notice more of the details around you. Every once in a while stop and focus on a specific part of nature. For example, a leaf, fresh grass, the bark of a tree – breathe the various scents in.

Are there any leaves moving with the wind? Feel these breezes against your skin.

Might there be a butterfly flittering through the breezes searching for a special flower to land on?

Are there birds singing? Try and focus in on one bird before it flies away.

Or a squirrel running through the grass and up a tree.

Smell again the grass, the trees, the fresh air.

Observe the unturned stones you cross over.

Walk onward with heightened awareness into the glory of it all.

When thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow creep into your consciousness bring your attention again into the present moment – the magnificence of the here and now.

Be Here Now.

A fellow named Ram Dass wrote a book with this title. It’s quite fun to read. Check it out for those rainy days. But when the rain is over and that summer sun starts peeking thru, I recommend putting the book down and instead taking a meditative stroll through the park. Consider it just what this Doctor’s ordered.

And it doesn’t have to happen only on Sundays. Any day will do fine.

Have a wonderful one!

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Dr. Joan A. Budilovsky


Joan is also a long-standing Chicago-Area Newspaper Columnist (Yo Joan!).  Her columns are on meditation, yoga and stress reduction – subjects she has studied, taught and practiced for decades.  A former professional musician, she continues to carry music in her heart and harps.  Her Doctorate is in Education from the University of Illinois at Chicago. 

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